Sunday, March 20, 2016

Mature-free Americans

Sugar Free cartoons, Sugar Free cartoon, funny, Sugar Free picture, Sugar Free pictures, Sugar Free image, Sugar Free images, Sugar Free illustration, Sugar Free illustrations
Gingerbread men are often unavailable to interact with people who have food allergies. It is very hard to incorporate different ingredients to fit the abstract needs of allergies. Nonetheless, there are some sugar-free, and low-fat gingerbread out there. I've even met a dairy free gingerbread man; it was incredible to hear his story (He was on Ellen DeGingerous last week). But with the advent of healthy food, gingerbread minorities have become more prevalent. What a lot of Americans fail to realize is the fact that calories aren't the only thing that matters in a food. The fat content could increase cholesterol, the amount of sugar often affects behavior after the meal too. This political cartoon is bringing attention to the fact that most humans only judge a food's nutritional value on the calorie count. Often if humans are going to splurge on junk food, they do not care about the sugar content; when, in actuality, sugar can make more break the after-dessert attitude. For example, I contain a high sugar content, so after people eat my peers they tend to have a brief sugar high and then crash. Another purpose of this cartoon is to expose the growing population of obese humans. Many Americans fail to see the depth in nutrition facts. But if they want to be as healthy as gingerbread men, they should stop taking only calories into account, and focus on the realm of nutritional needs.



  1. Emily,
    Firstly, I love the point of view of your blog and the ginger puns! I enjoyed how you critiqued the calorie-counting attitude of Americans today, and I love how you even found a cartoon with a gingerbread man. Nice post (:

  2. Emily,
    The gingerbread theme of your blog is so awesome (I loved shrek soo much btw) and it was cool how you found a corresponding cartoon. Your analysis of the attitudes of modern Americans was really insightful and fun to read.


  3. As I opened your blog, I was wondering whether or not you would be able to find a political cartoon about gingerbread men and, sure enough, you didn't disappoint me. This is a very good point your making. I often catch myself not paying attention to the crucial nutrition facts of food. very nicely done!

  4. Insightful! To somehow who sometimes forgets the nutritional label exists on food packaging, this was a great a reminder. The cartoon works great with your theme and overall is written excellently. Keep it up!

  5. I love how you connected the newfound prevalence of new-kinds of gingerbread men in the world and in media to the new acceptance of a racially diverse america like we learned this week in our hijab-wearing women essay. Nicely Done!
